Reducing of Sulfur Dioxide in Dried Apricot by Using ROA

Test was performed by Food Control Laboratory of Aydin Commodity Exchange (accredited by TURKAK which is registered by EA and ILAC).

Before ROA application: sulfur dioxide concentration of dried apricots (which were delivered to the laboratory in 1 kg plastic packages) is 2039 ppm.

24 hours after ROA application: sulfur dioxide concentration of dried apricots is 1377 ppm.

Eventually, ROA has reduced sulfur dioxide concentration 32% within 24 hours.

Click on the pages of reports for PDF document(s).

ROA Biyoteknoloji kuru kayısıROA Biyoteknoloji kuru kayısıROA Biyoteknoloji kuru kayısıROA Biyoteknoloji kuru kayısı